The Field Layout of Airsoft Tactical

    Hello Airsofters I am Nehemiah Varnell, if you’re reading this then you may be interested in going to Airsoft Tactical. Airsoft Tactical’s Address is 1420 Armour Dr, Chattanooga, TN 37412. It is a CQB indoor airsoft field and probably my favorite field I’ve ever been to. The field is medium sized and I think it is well designed.  

    As for the actual field, well it has an urban combat feel to the field. It has multiple buildings including a 2 story killhouse in the middle. It also has lot’s of vehicles and even a tank. It is also designed in a way that every bit of cover can be used by both teams. The teams are top and bottom team because of the two ramps in the middle of the field. 

    But onto the layout. From the bottom base looking out there is a building to the left and right. On the left side there is a ramp with crates going up to top base then on top base there are another 2 buildings and a flipped over truck, a water tower, top teams base, and a wall with a car crashed through it. Then heading back toward the bottom base there is a ramp with two highway dividers on the way down to an empty spot with only a crate. Then there is a hallway which has a door in the middle into the bank or at the end of the hallway there is a staircase that goes down a hallway to a jail and then back to the building at the bottom team’s base. Then the killhouse is in the middle with a courtyard on the top team’s base and one by the bottom team’s base. In the bottom courtyard there is a green car and some other stuff. The top one doesn’t really have anything except for a staircase and a doorway.    But I hope you have an idea of it now but to get a better idea you can watch one of my videos, like this one: My Camera Lens Broke At Airsoft Tactical. But I hope you wanna go play now. But that’s it so goodbye.